Five Ways To Help Your Dog Live Longer

Essa Bashir
3 min readAug 12, 2022


We frequently feel as though we don’t spend enough time with our animal pals, and anyone who has ever lived with a dog will be able to relate. On average, dogs only live ten to fourteen years, while some may naturally live longer and others may be more susceptible to illnesses that shorten their lives, but an average life of a dog is ten to fourteen years

Statistically speaking, 34% of the people in the UK own dogs as pets. Here are a few suggestions for how you might promote the longer, healthier life of your dog.

Image by Zen Chung from Pexels

1. Feed Your Dog A Healthy And Balanced Diet

You must give your dog nutritious and balanced food because failing to do so could compromise their longevity and best health.

It’s crucial that the ingredients for the meat products are listed as meat and not as “chicken dinner for dogs” or “dog beef stew,” For your dog, you might want to consider feeding them a meal that already contains omega-3 fatty acids or joint supplements.

As a result, it is critical not to restrict their diet in any way because it is important that they receive nutrients.

2. Entertain Regular Exercise

Failing to entertain physical activity can worsen their brain health, aid in weight management, and lower your disease risk.

Exercise decreases stress chemicals like cortisol and releases beneficial endorphins. You should continue your dog’s regular walk. The ability to venture outside also stimulates the intellect of your dog.

Often than that, you can do several indoor activities to keep your dog active. Some of these activities include fetching a soft toy, even when the weather is terrible. So, keep your dog physically active to protect it from chronic diseases.

3. Pay More Attention

As your dog ages, pay closer attention because things will change. Not giving extra attention can be dangerous, eventually affecting its overall health.

You may notice changes in hearing as their vision will probably change. The same goes for their hearing; if you approach them from behind and they don’t listen to you coming, they might feel alarmed.

Consequently, paying attention to these changes and altering your behaviour to accommodate your ageing pup is crucial.

4. Connection With Your Dog

Like many companion animals, dogs develop a strong attachment to their owners. Dog owners frequently refer to them as family, and the human-dog bond most likely provides companionship.

When the owner and the dog are compatible, this results in a better relationship and advantages for the owners, such as stress release and exercise. Playing with your dog is a terrific way to share happy, enjoyable moments and strengthen your friendship.

So, make sure to build a connection with your dog, as it can assist you in identifying movements that might indicate potential problems.

5. Make Sure To Give Him Preventive Care

A good relationship with your veterinarian will allow you to customise treatments and discuss your dog’s needs. Regular health checks can also help to identify potential problems.

Have your dog’s teeth cleaned and brushed every day regularly by his veterinarian. This may aid in preventing dental diseases, which can cause pain and severe complications if left untreated.

While we can’t change their genes, there are many things we can do to improve their health and help them live a longer, healthier life.

Final Thoughts

When your dog is getting older, you’ll notice greying fur or a general slowing in their pace. Dogs, like humans, can lose sight and hearing as they age. Therefore, be sure to offer your dog the proper care and nutrition so his quality of life is not compromised.



Essa Bashir

Hello there I'm Essa, an undergraduate student and freelance content writer.